Introduction || Transliteration Table || Text in 7-bit ASCII code || Jos Schaeken © 1996

The Prague Fragments


This document contains an electronic text edition of the oldest extant Czech Church Slavonic manuscript, known as the Prague Fragments (German: Prager Fragmente, Czech: Pra^zské zlomky). The glagolitic text was written by three different hands (fol. 1r, 1v, and 2), probably before the turn of the eleventh century (fol. 2 is held to be some fifty years older than fol. 1).
The main editions (in Cyrillic transcription) by Vondrák (1904: 87-90, including a glossary on pp. 105-110), Grunskij (1905), and Kurz (in Weingart and Kurz 1949: 146-149) have now been superseded by Mare^s (1979: 41-45). Photographs of the manuscripts are provided by Vondrák (1904; not in the 1982 reprint), Grunskij (1905), and Lysaght (1982: 90-94).
Please note that the electronic edition only contains graphic information that is visible on the photographs. For reconstructions of completely illegible letters and words I refer to the edition by Mare^s.
The present edition is incorporated in TITUS (Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien).

Transliteration Table

The transliteration only makes use of the 7-bit ASCII code so as to ensure maximal portability. Upper-case letters are used to represent different graphemes than the corresponding lower-case letters.

Lower-case letters
a az
b buky
v vede
g glagol
d dobro
e jest
z zemlja
i izhe '20' (transliterated with the "octal i" in Cyrillic)
k kako
l ljudije
m myslete
n nash
o on 
p pokoj
r rci
s slovo
t tverdo
u uk
f fert (in 2108 and 2115 only)
x xer
w ot (omega; in 2203 only)
c ci
y jery (instead of &i; note n&[i] 2118 and nas[&]ic&Sago 2223)
ju ju
Upper-case letters and symbols representing letters
D dzelo (in 2115 only) 
Z zhivete 
J the broader variant of the "decimal i" in Cyrillic, transliterated with the Greek iota in Cyrillic (in 1101, 1201, 1208, 1210, 1211, 1212, 2113 and 2114)
G gerv (in 2108 only) 
C cherv 
S sha 
& big jer 
$ small jer (11 times on fol. 1 only)  
@ jat
E small jus  
O big jus (in 2105, 2114 and 2118 only)
jO iotated big jus (twice in 1213 only)
Y izhica as the second part of uk (in 1104 and 1118 only)
Other symbols
* = the following letter is big (e.g. an initial)
! = before a whole word: the word is under a titlo (including 2101, 2102, 2108, 2115 and 2208, where letters represent numerals; note that the numeral i in 2119 does not have a titlo)
= inside a word: the following letter is above the line (in 1117, 2108, 2206 and 2207 = ml-ligatures, 2213 and 2216 with a pokrytie, in 2201 and 2210 without)
[ ] = letter(s) read on the basis of ambiguous visible information
{ } = dittography (in 1124 only)
= = lacuna
- = hyphenation added by the editor at the end of the line
' poerok (12 times on fol. 1r only)
^ round circumflex above the next letter (in 2113 and 2115 only)
( spiritus asper above the next letter (in 1115 and 2113 only)
) spiritus lenis above the next letter (in 1107 and 1125 only)
Punctuation marks
. one point 
: two points
:. three points
.:. four points
:..: six points
.,. point-comma-point
\ a tilde-like punctuation mark

N.B. Attested sequences of symbols (&, $, @ and = not included) and diacritics: 

![   [*   !*   )* '* [']

Text in 7-bit ASCII code

The text lines have been numbered as follows:
1101 *v' *s*v*@*t*J*l*&*n*@ . 
1102 *slo[v]==[d&]==========er
1103 =========ovet============ !gi
1104 =========[o]Yn&===[s&]=== [@]ko !b[&]
1105 p[r]@bl====p=op=======t=======anoju
1106 tva====ob[']n=====slo[v]=======[s]==m
1107 *n*a *p*r*@*p*o*l*o==*e*n*i*e : *s*v==)*i[*l*&*n*a]
1108 *ot& [Z]ivo[n]o[sn]ix[']============&===========&
1109 [p]=i[sn]ot==u[c]= ![x]e po[C]===&n====[ed]=====
1110 ==m[i] b[ude]===[&]==vot&=========
1111 ===[&]==========[C]lo[v]==o======
1112 *s*v*@*t[*i]==== . *n*a *p*r*@*o*b*r======
1113 *pr@[ob]r=zi s[E] [n]a gor[@] !x[e] !b[e] ====[za]v=
1114 uCenikom[&] s[v]=im& ======================u
1115 [i]@mu v& sv@t[&]== ob[la]c====E(E==== ![g]i
1116 !dxm['] ===n====&====am======= !b[&]
1117 !spsi !dSE naS[E] *s*v*@!t !*v*S*@*x' !*s*t*x'
1118 *xvalu [r&ci]t[e] ====mu=v===== !bo[Y] ====
1119 izvolenici bo====== !ba ma[l]i i veli-
1120 ci : @ko c@sarit& g$ !b& naS& : radue-
1121 m& sE i [v]eselim' [s]E dadim' slavu !bu :
1122 *s*v*@*t*i*l'*n*a *s*l*@*p*o*m*u \\\\\\\\\\
1123 *um'n@= moi oCi !osl=p&nuvSi !gi : ot& m[']n[o]-
1124 =====[r@]xa : t&= prosv{osv}@ti : i vi
1125 )sg=@Si=== otimi : s&m@renim&
1126 omy [mE] sl&zami moimi : \\\\
1127 *s*v*@*t*i*l' : *n*a *v*&*z*n*o*S*e*n*i*e : \\\\
1128 *v[&]z[n]e[se] [sE] [k]= ot$[c]= svoemu : ra[d]
1129 =========&============ uCenikom[&] slavo[ju]

1201 svo= Jbo !xe v&znese sE :.
1202 prosv=c$ !vS@C$ska@ .,.
1203 *s*v*@ : *n*a *p*E*nt&tikosti .,.
1204 *pE[n]&tikostie !sta@ grE-
1205 d@t= : !vSi poC$t@m& !dx&
1206 !sty : pride bo umudr@E
1207      !apstoly : sego pri-
1208      m@m& !vSi : J pokloni-
1209      m& sE emu : \\ *s*v*@*t-
1210 *i*d*l*&*n*a : na roz&so J@n[a]
1211 *@ko vet&xy : J novy
1212 xodataJ : pr@d&teC-
1213 e !xv& tvojO : EdrojO mo-
1214   dlitvu ps&li nam&
1215 xvalEcim& tvoe C$-
1216 st$noe : bZ$stv$noe ro-
1217 z&stvo : \\ *s*v*@ : *a*p*o*s*t-
1218 *o*l*a *p*e*t*r*a : \\\\\\\
1219 *oblast$ ot& !ba prim&Sa 
1220 !sta@ apostola pr@mud-
1221 ra@ . petre kameni . v@r&
1222 pavle miru . utvr$zeni[e]
1223 d&voiceju sv@tonos&na@
1224 rim&ska poxvalo : *s*v*@ : *n*a
1225 *p*r*@*s*t*a*v*e*n*i*e : !*b*c*@ : \\\
1226 *pr@stavi sE ot& zemE
1227 na nebesa mati !bZi@

2101 ======== an[t]======= : !v :.
2102 !a : =====[&] : !!ia :. ===== !e
2103 ======= . [*o]bidu mE @ko psi mnozi
2104 udariSa tE c@sarju za lani-
2105 tu udarenim& v&praSaxO
2106 tE i l&Zes&v@stovaxu : 
2107 ========= !b& v&n&mi :.
2108 ==t=[f]=== !b : psa!l : !!Gg : glas& !b :
2109 ====@[l]======== veCeri tvoei
2110 !xe uCenikom& tvoim& pro[@v]@-
2111 vaSe edin& ot& vas& i pr@-
2112 dast& mE bezakon&ny Ze
2113 J(jud^a ne v&sxot@ razum@ti :.
2114 O !gJ obidEc : ============
2115 [f^o]n& :. !v :. [p]===== : !k : glas& : !D : ==&
2116 p@lo i :. *slovo zakonopr@stu-
2117 p&no v&zloZiSa na mE ty Ze
2118 !gi ne ostavi mne n& pomilOi n&[i]
2119 [*s]@didl&na =las& i :.
2120 *ka@ ta k&zni judo nausti pr@-
2121      dati spas& eza lika apo-
2122 stol&skago tE ot&luCi
2123 eza dara c@lenie tE liSi
2124 eza s& on@mi veCer@v& =a

2201 ot& rin[u]!t!r!a!pezy ot&ri[n]u === 
2202 on@m& noz@ umyv& tv[oi] [pr@]-
2203 zr@ : w kolika blaga ne [p]om[&]-
2204 n@ tvo@ Ze besxval&na@ vo-
2205 l@ obliCat[&] tE a togo ne-
2206 m@rnoe m!lilosr[&]di propov@-
2207 st& sE i veli@ m!lilosti :.
2208 *blaZenna : glas& :..: !g :
2209 *dr@va radi ad[a]m& ra@ b&[st&]
2210 .:. isel!e!n& dr@v&m& Ze kriZ&-
2211 :. n&m& razbo[in]ik& i v& rai
2212 :. v&sedli [s]E ov& bo v&ku-
2213 .:. S& zapov@d!& pr@stupi s&-
2214 .:. tvor&Sago i a drugy prop[E]-
2215 .:. t& sE !ba tE ispov@daSe taE-
2216 .:. cag[o] sE : pomEni mE sp!ase egda
2217 .:. prideSi v& c@sar&stvie svoe .:.
2218 *tvor&ca zakonu ot& uCenika 
2219 kupiSa prav&d&nago i
2220 @ko bezakon&nik& i pila-
2221 tovi na s[u]diSCi postavi-
2222 Sa v&[p]&juce rasp&ni mEn&-
2223 nuju nas[&]ic&Sago si@ v& pu-
2224 styni my Ze prav&d[&]-